216251 LP45F LTE 700 (Fracarro) LOG ANTENNA UHF LTE 700


SKU : 216251 LP45F LTE 700

Brand : Fracarro


Log-periodic pre-assembled aerials for #III and IV bands characterized by: extremely easy connection due to the F connector being located near the mast clamp.
Due to the specific mast clamp these aerials can be assembled in vertical or horizontal polarisation without additional accessories

Main Specifications
  • Preassembled Log-periodic band III and IV antennas characterized by extreme ease of connection thanks to the F connector located near the attachment to the mast.
  • The care taken in the design is also reflected in the special connection of the dipole which guarantees contact reliability over time.
  • Thanks to the special mast attachment, the antenna can be installed both in vertical and horizontal polarization without adapters or other accessories.
  • They are equipped with excellent mechanical resistance for fixing the elements to the cradle, excellent mechanical resistance to rotation on the mast, good electrical performance.
  • The F connector is protected by a connector cover with bayonet coupling.


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