10 Reasons Why Hospital Hotels Choose IPTV Arista Pro

10 Reasons Why Hospital Hotels Choose IPTV Arista Pro

เผยแพร่: 14 ก.ย. 2567 19:12 ปรับปรุง: 21 ม.ค. 2568 11:40 โดย: Marketing HSTN 

 10 Reasons Why Hospital Hotels Choose IPTV Arista Pro

1.     Language functions can be selected in up to 6 languages to accommodate both tourists in the hotel and those using services in the hospital.

2.     Can install both LAN cable networks (UTP) and fiber optic cables. And we can develop a system that can work on a coaxial cable network. without needing to change any networks

3.     Can increase the potential to create additional value for the business with functions that ARISTA Pro Hotel IPTV, ARISTA Pro Hospital IPTV provide on the screen, such as a personalized welcome message.

4.     You can send product promotions directly to special guests personally.

5.     You can choose to watch movies or VDO through the Video On Demand function.

6.     can order food and services through the TV screen

7.     Can recommend businesses through Hotel Information, Hospital Information or recommend other services. that are available in business

8.     Can provide the sharpest images at 4K UHD level.

9.     Able to work with hotel management programs (PMS) of all brands that have open APIs to connect to connect data transmission to check services and summarize expenses, and

Can work Stand Alone as well.


 HSTN Admin

  14 September 2023

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